Hi, I’m Sylvia Frost. 🙂 I’m an author and designer and since 2014, I’ve helped hundreds of authors writing in every genre  make their publishing dreams real. I’m focused on creating branded book covers that get you results.

In 2019, I grew my studio by bringing on some amazing designers and illustrators who help me serve as many authors as possible.

Now in 2022, I have a diverse team passionate about creating covers that sell, and a thriving community of authors in my Facebook Group The Book Brander Boutique.


A little bit more backstory about me — when I was eleven, I wanted to be an author.  I remember going to the library and reading a book on publishing that told me almost no one gets to see their stories in print. To be an author, the book said, was to accept a life of constant rejection and poverty.

I read that and thought, “Yeah, no thanks.”

Thankfully, with the advent of online-publishing,  now getting published is as easy as pushing a button. But getting readers? That’s another story.

If you’re reading this, and you’re like my typical client, you are well aware of how hard it can be to be a successful indie author.  You’ve earned your battle-scars, dealing with one-star reviews, Amazon’s antics, writer’s block and marketing mishaps. You’re a pro, or you’re ready to jump the line and start publishing like one.

I’d love to help.

Well, me and the seal. 😉